Saturday, November 06, 2010


My blog's more than 4 years old and I'm more than 4 days late in wishing it. Sigh! Sad excuse for a post but Happy Birthday Blog! :)

Thursday, October 28, 2010

If Poster Boy was not a manager...

I was a dejected little kid who people would mock. They’d call me Rudolph. I didn’t even have a red nose. I had this beautifully crafted elegant nose, a tad longer than Cinderella’s and a tad shorter that Pinocchio’s. I also had a very fashionable green tie. My grandpa’s friend’s live in girlfriend had gifted it to him. I would delve into the depths of my endless wisdom to find an explanation for my befuddling unpopularity. Eureka! The bulb clicked, the divine light fell, and Nirvana was attained. I joined Salsa classes. I was a failure no more! I became a Rock Star. I got a hilltop house and fifteen cars. I made Square-pants passé. And most importantly, I played Cullen to my Damsel in distress. Joy to the world!

Wednesday, May 05, 2010


Happy and content
Smiling, silent
She gazes on
The fields wilt away
The flowers gently sway
Twilight ushers dawn
Of new hope
New life
The breeze is restless
As are the children
Her heart is full
Rooted in the past
Nostalgic, remembering
Memories fade fast
Love is selfless
Worth it in the end
Twilight ushers dawn
Of new hope
New life
She gazes on